How To Make Your First Time Travelling With A Baby Much Easier

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Being a new parent is like experiencing a whirlwind of emotions all at once; not only are you completely overjoyed and in love with this tiny human but you're also inexperienced and a bit exhausted. If you are planning on heading out of town this fall but are a little scared to do so with your newborn baby in tow, this article will list a few helpful tips to make traveling with your baby a much easier adventure. 

Hire an Airport Service

When you're traveling alone or just traveling sans baby, you can wing a lot of things; including how you're going to get to and from the airport. With a baby, however, a little planning goes a long way. Make sure that you hire an airport service ahead of time to help transport you to and from the airport so that you don't have to worry about arriving on time. As a tip, ask the airport service to arrive about 20 minutes early so that you don't feel rushed with your baby.

Rent a Cart

One thing to know about traveling with a baby is that they require a lot of stuff; even if you try to pack like a minimalist. For instance, you'll need a stroller, a car seat, and a pack and play for them to sleep in and night; which means that you'll have a whole lot of stuff to carry with you through the airport. Don't be anyone's hero and try lugging all of your luggage across the airport without help. At the minimum, rent one of those luggage carts for a couple of dollars so that your hands are free to carry your baby. You can also always ask some airport staff for help carrying things. 

Feed On the Plane

Whether you bottle feed or breastfeed your baby, make sure to feed them a full bottle during takeoff; this will be your ultimate lifesaver. Not only does the sucking motion during takeoff help with pressure on their ears, but as soon as they get that bottle in their stomach, they will fall right asleep and hopefully stay asleep for the rest of the flight. 

Traveling with a baby in tow is not for the faint of heart, and it can make you feel really anxious, but by using these three easy tips, you can hopefully have a smoother, happier flight for you and everyone around. For more information, contact a company like Luxury Limousine Inc.
